DISHONESTY PRINTED WITH HONESTY | CATALOG OF ARTISTIC PRACTICES AGAINST DECEPTION, GREED AND POWER | ETERNAL CHEMICALS | PFOA, considered eternal chemicals because they do not degrade in the environment and in the body, flood the world. They are present in the manufacture of non-stick pans, cosmetics, takeaway food containers, clothing… Their use is restricted in Europe, but the market is still full of objects made with eternal chemicals. European teenagers have high levels of PFOA in their bodies. It can affect the thyroid, liver and cause cancer.
Practice 23. 50×65 cm. Work carried out using the interior of non-stick pans as a mold
Practice 7. 81×72 cm. Engravings made using the scratched interior of non-stick pans.
PrActicE 24. 60x60 cm. Work carried out using the interior of non-stick pans as a mold.
Practice 18. 45x45 cm. Work carried out using the interior of non-stick pans as a mold.
Práctica 1. 50x61 cm. Work carried out using the interior of non-stick pans as a mold
Practice 6. 50x65 cm. Work carried out using the interior of non-stick pans as a mold
Practice 6. Work carried out using the interior of non-stick pans as a mold.